Criminal Defense For Attorneys
Criminal Defense News
If you have been placed on Probation in New York City, you are mandated not to have any new arrests for the time you are on probation. If you are facing a viiolation of probation you are at risk of being sent to state prison for one to five years. The Law Offices of Michael S. Discioarro has helped numerous people avoid jail if they are accused of violation probation.
Often, the violation is cuased by an overzelous probation officer who has taken a string dislike of the defendant. Probation officers can make life very difficult for probationers. While most are professionals, some should simply not be on the job. In other cases, a new arrest will be the cuase of the violation. These cases can be very dangerous for the probationer.If you are facing a probation violation, contact the Law Offices of Michael S. Discioarro and let us put our experience to work for you.