Criminal Defense For Attorneys
Criminal Defense News
Any involvement with high quantities of illegal drugs, such as cocaine or heroin, can result in a federal indictment for drug conspiracy - even if you never even possessed the illegal substance. Further involvement, such as transporting the drugs or even possessing high quantities of drugs in your vehicle can result in a federal indictment for drug trafficking.
If you have been arrested or indicted on federal drug trafficking charges, your best bet is to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible to minimize the damage and to protect your rights. Contact Mr. Discioarro and start your defense today.
Mr. Discioarro comes to these cases as a former narcotics prosecutor. He uses his experience as a former prosecutor to prepare a smart defense strategy for clients.We handle federal drug trafficking charges involving prescription drugs and illegal drugs, such as marijuana, methamphetamines (meth), heroin, cocaine and more. Our drug trafficking defense practice includes federal investigations or indictments involving:
Transporting illegal drugs via couriers, the U.S. Postal Service and other resources
Drug importation
Trafficking in illegal prescription drugs/steroids
Other drug trafficking or distribution charges