Criminal Defense For Attorneys
Criminal Defense News
Because of the volume of cases in the New York Criminal Courts, there are certain things that you must do when going to court to appear in front of the judge in your case:
1. Be on time. Get to court at 8:30 am to avoid any delays with the train or traffic.
2. Be respectful to all court staff and security. They may not be the nicest people you have ever met, but they have a job to do.
3. Dress in aneat manner. No saggy jeans or to shirts.
4. Make a good impression of the judge. Because the bench is higher then everyone, judges have told me that they see everything in criminal court.
5. Hire a NY criminal lawyer that appears in these courtroom every day. Your uncle Eddie who is a real estate lawyer in Long Island will be totally lost in this system.
6. Do not speak or use your cell phone in the courtroom.
If you follow these simple directions, your court appearance in NYC will be a much better experience. If you have been charged with a crime in New York City, contact The Law Offices of Michael S. Discioarro,LLC at 917-519-8417 and let us work for you.