Criminal Defense For Attorneys
Criminal Defense News
If you are facing charges for drug crimes, your freedom may be in jeopardy. In addition to potential prison time if convicted, you may face restricted employment and housing opportunities due to a criminal record. Whether your charges involve methamphetamine, marijuana, cocaine or prescription drugs, protect your rights and reputation by obtaining legal representation immediately.
If you need a New York City drug crime defense lawyer to represent your interests against state drug charges, contact Michael S. discioarro for a free initial consultation. Whether you're charged with simple marijuana possession, or you've been accused of the unauthorized distribution of prescription drugs, Mr. Discioarro can help you.
Unlike federal drug cases, which usually involve a large volume of controlled substances, intricate distribution networks and long-running investigations, Kansas drug crimes can involve any substance, in any amount. Often, state cases involve illegal drugs seized at the scene of another crime, such as:
Domestic violence
Vehicular homicide
Traffic offenses
Depending on your prior criminal history, the quantity and nature of the drug involved, and your eligibility for diversion or treatment, the prospects for a satisfactory resolution of your case through a plea agreement are often promising. There are many situations, however, where it's to your advantage to fight the charges in court.
For prosecutors, the ability to admit contraband as evidence is often the lynch pin to successfully convicting individuals of state drug crimes. As an experienced defense attorney, I work to have the contraband evidence suppressed as the result of an illegal search.
Because drug crimes arrests are often unplanned by the police, the opportunity for suppression of the evidence on the basis of insufficient probable cause or an illegal search and seizure are often greater in the state courts than they are in the federal system. Because the drug charges in a Johnson County prosecution might be unrelated to the other charges involved, they can also factor into a rather complicated sequence of plea deal.